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Spiritual Consultation’s Client Testimonials

If a soul who died from cancer attaches to a person, it is very likely for that person to develop cancer as well. The soul of a suicided person is likely to control the subject to also commit a suicide. A soul who died from a car accident may cause car accidents within the same area that the soul had experienced. The soul who died from depression will cause depression to the person whom it is attached to so on and so forth. These effects are very common but not acknowledged or known by most people and usually considered a happening of bad luck. 
Hello Mr. Calvin Kim, I am embarrassed to talk about myself but I have decided to email you and have you share my situation and experience with others who may need your help. I don’t know how to thank you for what you have done for me and how you completely changed my life entirely. This is my story. I am a young girl, a normal girl who was attending high school and suddenly one day I got sick without any apparent reasons. I was acting crazy, talking by myself loudly, getting mad at others and violence followed. My parents took me to several doctors and no one was able to find out what the problems were. They had me take some kind of medications that were supposed to calm me down but nothing really worked. It was getting worse day by month. I saw many doctors as well as many shamans during a period of time. Nobody was able to help me and I had to quit school and spend time in a mental hospital. It was a horrible time for me. 6 months out of a year I was in the mental institute… This went on for a couple of years and one day my grandmother who lives in NY met you I am told by my parents. My dad told me that you were going to work on me energetically (don’t know what it meant) from NY. One night as I was sleeping, I felt something like buzzing all over my body and something was taken off of me or being sucked out which took around 15 minutes I think. From that time on, I felt lighter, cleaner, and myself. Very weird experience but good. It felt like I had come back and fell asleep and slept deeply for many hours. I woke up the next morning and for the first time in a very very long time I slept like a baby. My face color came back pinkish and I felt great. My parents couldn’t believe what had happened and they were in tears with joy. They were heart broken, spent a lot of money on medical treatments without success but somehow you cured me suddenly. Since then, I no longer have to be in a mental institute and I am going to school like everybody else. Learning, playing with friends, and doing all the normal things I am supposed to do! I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you can help many people who are in a similar situation as I was. You are a God-sent gift to me.
"Wow Calvin! Your work along with your angels are amazing! I just got-off the phone with Denise Boynton, was on the phone with her for 10 minutes. She sounds really good! Like nothing had ever happened! I am mind-blown! She not only sounded good, but everything worked-out! She just sent me an updated P&S to review and sign. And the owner has already agreed to everything I wanted and more! I told Denise I’d go as high as $175,000 but Denise told me the owner already accepted my first offer of $173,000! Calvin, I’d give you a hug right now if you were here! Things are looking unbelievably good. Everything I needed to say was said. No problem, no interference from demons. Thanks Calvin! I’ll be sending payment to you in a few minutes. Feel free to use my latest emails and name as one your references!

With many thanks and much gratitude, Jesse"
Feeling lighter, much better than before. Anxiety attacks and others have also stopped! I slept great last night, the first time in over a year!
My husband and I have been having issues for several months. We have a toddler and I didn’t want to argue in front of her anymore. I was telling my doctor about my issues at home with my husband and she had recommended Calvin to me. Calvin went above and beyond and told me exactly what was needed in order to see changes at home. He responded quickly and gave me my husband’s detailed report the same day! The next day after Calvin worked on my husband he had woken up before my daughter and I (usually he sleeps until the last minute before he has to go to work). He seemed refreshed and happier also. As the weekend went on I was realizing a lot has changed. He wasn’t on edge and impatient like he usually was. He seemed much more grounded and able to handle things easier. It’s been 4 days since the energy clearing and we haven’t argued at all!! This is a huge win for us! I highly recommend Calvin!
I will never thank Calvin enough for the blessing he has given to my whole family as well as the additional and free entity check and clearing he has provided me during the parent cross-over session. I am still amazed that he has crossed over 4 additional souls of my beloved one just because they have asked him. Thank you so much. I have experienced great improvement since he has accepted my case. He gives great, useful advice and it is important that he does his light work very well. I would recommend him warmly and anytime to anyone suffering from negative entities and for crossing souls over. Many thanks, April 19th, 2021.
Hello Calvin, I’d like to provide a testimonial of my experience following the clearing with you: As you know when I contacted you in December everything was kind of “stuck” so to speak. My husband and I couldn’t find a house which we had been searching for months, I was about to embark into IVF treatment which made me feel very scared, and I had just started my career being paid peanuts (even though I liked it). Following the clearing, I mean literally 1 or two weeks after that, we viewed the house which we are now in the process of buying. That was the first house we saw after your clearing! Furthermore, a company I had applied for 2 months prior, came back to me 2 weeks after your clearance asking for an interview which I passed!! I’m now working for them and I’m much happier than in the previous company. After the clearing I also started sleeping more soundly and I went through/ I’m going through my IVF treatment with a much more chilled mentality. Thank you so much, Calvin, you’ve unblocked a lot of areas of my life in such a short time. Thank you,
What a result. I can’t thank you enough. I can’t take it all in. I feel something different. Can I get back to you? I agree with your report. I was told before that there were higher-level demons. I certainly didn’t expect that! I had reason to believe someone had put a curse on me. Now I believe it. Thanks, Calvin. I may get back again if I need to. There is still some noise in my ears but I suppose it will be a while before things settle. God bless you!
Wow! Calvin, I need to tell you the following truth. The guy I was already working with was on the verge of finding all of this as he correctly identified my ex as the cause of all this crap. However, he isn’t as experienced as you, and I couldn’t be sure he would be able to deal with the nastiness of the situation. He is fairly young but I see him as good as you in maybe 20 years or so. However, to get to the quick, he has been telling me to do exactly the same affirmation ( I acknowledge the healing power of God, light, love, protection, etc. ) each time we do a hands-on heart chakra. He is also an ordained minister and spent time in the military. He works out of Austin, Texas. He was getting close but didn’t have the same level of skills as you. But in any case, I am amazed sir, at all you have done today and will continue to do for us. My brother Bob has just asked me to raise my beer glass to drink a toast to your good self. I cannot thank you enough Calvin. God bless you. I also realize God could be asking me to find a new direction. I will leave it to you to ask Him if that’s what He wants. Speak soon. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Thank you for all your work. I highly appreciated it and I learned a lot from you and thank you very much for following up with me and scanning again this morning, all the pain in my body is gone and I also better sleep every night. Normally for shaman here, my experience with them when they get money, they will do their job and just keep quiet, never update or asking about my condition at all or do it for free like you, everything they charged even when they making mistake they still charged me, cost 300plus Malaysia money and not only one time but many times, and I need to go and drive 1hour plus just to see them, that also they always never kept their promises about time, always a delayed and excuses about why being late and when I asked them, they never sincere to explain to me, normally they just said is it? Don’t ask? How come? And complain about how hard their job, this is the shaman who said I’m elf, thank again about your honesty sincere and working hard on my issue, I truly appreciated this, I been searching and looking for these issue for more than 10 years, and I found you by accident when I tried to search entity removal, I found your website with orange and yellow color that attracted me, and your website with full explanation and understandable for me, I will keep monitoring about my conditions and improvements, and I will update to you from time to time. I am thankful to God for finding you.
Thank you so much, Calvin. I was aware of increased activity in my family last night and this morning. You are a true blessing. Thank you.
This is her first email (which I copied and pasted here) asking for help on Feb 17th, 2021 Dear Calvin, I never experienced feeling loved and I am always crying as with my partner this is being triggered even more and more. I feel anger, and people are hating me for no reason!! Almost constantly I am being attacked emotionally and verbally! Plus now my health started to go bad so I need help! but also I don’t have a budget to spend these regular prices as I am from Turkey, those amounts are almost a fortune for me! I had a strong feeling that you could help me perhaps with a discount? Please, I will be waiting for your answer. She purchased a Clearing service and was completely cleared on Feb 18th, 2021, and below is her testimony (copy/paste her email) on the 25th of Feb Dear Calvin. Please find my comment ” I have found Calvin through grace and the web, I needed help as i didn’t know why I was having some of the symptoms I was having. Thankfully I found him, and the next day after the session, I felt so much energy that I did lots of exercises! My digestion has also improved. I have met loving people some days after his session. (which may explain why I wasn’t able to before as he told me I had some negative energies in my relationship area, he informed me that he cleared it all!) Today, I also realize that it is every person’s responsibility to keep their bodies (houses) clean with positive thinking, etc…but sometimes we are not able to, and I am so glad there are people like him in the world. Who took a path to help and heal people… thank you so much, Calvin!”
I am writing to share my experience with others who are considering working with Calvin Kim. Recently I contacted Calvin regarding bodily aches and high blood pressure problems. Without any apparent reason I was having pain in my legs, back, and my mind wasn’t clear. It felt like my head was fogged up or something. After initial consultation, by the way, other demon clearing people don’t offer free scanning and consultation unless they get paid first. Calvin kindly responds to emails and will let his clients know of attachments. Sorry I took a wrong turn here. After initial consultation Calvin asked me to purchase certain services and he performed the clearing within 2 days for me. After the clearing I was able to sleep soundly and deeply. I got up the next morning and all the aches were gone. I measured my blood pressure which was 170 and had gone down to 130. I measured it again the next day and it was still 130. I know Calvin has clients all around the world but it still is not easy to believe that he can help someone without even meeting in person. I am grateful for finding Calvin and I can recommend him to anyone with spiritual issues.
Hi, I can truly say that Calvin is a gifted man sent directly from God. He is most certainly a bearer of God’s light and energy. I was receiving ongoing treatment from other spirit healers, a lot of which was working in the sense that many demons were being removed and disposed of. I would feel ok for a while, but then the usual symptoms and severe insomnia would return after a few days. I always felt something was missing but nobody except Calvin was able to correctly diagnose the problem. I turned to him on the off chance, and after a careful examination/scan of me, it turns out my ex- partner had employed someone to put a black magic curse on me! Not only did Calvin dispose of the multiple entities affecting me (and there were a lot!) he is now working on breaking the curse. He doesn’t normally do this but he went the extra mile for me. He even went right ahead with the work because he was so concerned about my predicament. I had already paid him, but he said “don’t worry, I know I can trust you” as the money was literally being sent! Calvin is sincere and a true heart centred person who wants the very best for all his clients. I could sense this as soon as I made contact with him. He also detected a distant ancestor who has attached to me for help passing over, and that will be the next stage in my healing process. I certainly advise anyone not sure of his work to trust him. You will be pleasantly surprised. Bless you Calvin, may God be with you in all your work!
Calvin is a wonderful person inside and out. He knows his work very well and is trustworthy on what it is he tells you he can and will do in the sessions you have with him. I have worked with Calvin several times due to my own personal line of work and career as a Psychic and a Healer. Being a daily and weekly Youtuber and working with the public worldwide I have experienced many demon attachments as well as demonic energy that comes through the public and clientele who are in need of my help. For years I have worked with several different Healers that were not able to help me to the extent that was needed. Calvin has been very patient and loving towards me even when I was difficult to work with. I have met a lot of Healers, Light workers, and Spiritualists that were not the real deal. When you choose to work with Calvin this is not the case. Calvin is the real deal, he does not put up with demons. He just kills them. So if you truly want any Dark entities and energies cleared from you that are corrupting your life, I highly recommend working with Calvin. I do, and I have trusted my clients with him as well. Since I am not a Demon Killer I send my clients with demon attachments to Calvin to be completely cleared. He is good at what he does. I had to work with him a few times due to the condition the entire world is in right now, but he is a great person to have on your side in times of hardship from spiritual cooties and cridders. I love working with Calvin and I am sure you will too. Thank You Calvin for all you do.
I was so reluctant to find Calvin when I did. I think it was a miracle. I honestly felt I was guided to him. I was struggling so much internally. I did not feel like myself, I knew something was wrong and I needed his help right away. He was very thorough in going over the entire process with me as well as giving me tips on how to further help myself. He is a genuine soul, with an amazing gift. I encourage anyone reading this review to take action for yourself and health, if something does not feel right inside, trust your gut and contact Calvin right away. He will be able to assist you in the quickest and best way possible. I can’t thank him enough! Thank you for being such a strong light in this world & for your amazing work Calvin! I truly appreciate it so much.
Just wanted to share my thoughts on the “Full Ancestors Crossing Over ” service that I purchased a couple of months ago. I wasn’t very sure of what this service was and if my ancestors really needed help in crossing over. I didn’t even know where the souls would go but after reading the description of this service I decided to give a shot. On the 7th day after Calvin performed the service for the first time in my life I met my grandparents in my dream. Unlike how they were when living, both of them had nice clothing and warm smiles on their faces. My grandfather gave me a hug and said to me “thank you for helping us” and that brought tears to my eyes. I woke up feeling lighter than usual and felt great. By the way, I also did the complete clearing of negative entities two days after the ancestors crossed over. I was not sure of the benefits these services may bring but I do now. Bodily pain subsided, my mood was totally different in a positive way, and I slept like a baby! I own and run a big onion factory with quite a few employees and due to the current economic situation many worries filled my mind. As time went on I had another truly weird dream where I was at some sort of warehouse filled with rustic metal scrapes, fixtures, and so on and suddenly all the metal turned into gold right before my eyes. After this dream not only my business picked up but also without applying for any government funds I was sent 35K for my business! I know my ancestors were helping me for what I have done for them. 2 weeks later I called to apply for a government loan and without any hesitation, questions, etc I was approved for a 150K loan with an incredibly low interest rate. Things are flowing very smoothly compared to the past and I am just so grateful for Calvin’s help. I will be getting his services for my entire family members very soon. Thank you Calvin. You really made a difference in my life.
First of all, some time ago I would have thought demons and entities are just something to scare little children. I started meditating some half a year ago and made profound progress in terms of feeling and guiding the energy. After 4 weeks I could heal my testicle that according to my doctor was beyond recovery. I figured out how to upgrade my spiritual bodies and how to get them to a higher state of vibration. I did this upgrade several times and had a LOT more energy on my hands. Since I have no one to teach me this stuff I thought it would be a cool idea to meditate and send the energy to my third eye. It started vibrating, shaking, and then it felt like exploding when I felt some foreign energy entering my body through the third eye. I tried to stop it but it didn’t work. I was attacked like knives going through me and was also bitten several times in the throat. I was fortunate to find Kim Calvin right away and he found out I opened a portal and had 86 demons attached to me. Once I hung up from the telephone conversation with him he started and I immediately felt them cleansed away. If it wasn’t for him maybe the doctors would have sent me to a psychiatric institution where they would stuff me with drugs. Thank you for being blessed with this ability. I will recommend you to everyone that I know of whom I think is not crazy. Forever thankfully,
Dear Calvin, I wanted to thank you for the extra work and the clearing you have performed on my behalf. As soon as I had a clearing with you I felt instant relief and the attachments are all gone. I slept well and the pain in my body was much less than my skin was glowing . I have seen 10s of other healers without much success before finding you and finally found someone who is truly effective in demonic problems. I was suffering from a black magic curse for several years which is now completely broken through you. I appreciate the detailed report and taking care of me with a follow up which is rare nowadays. Also thank you for completely repairing my aura which is very important to me and I found that gr8 thank u again.
Calvin, Thank you for all the extra work and for all the extra information. It all makes sense to me and I understand what you are saying. Most importantly, thank you for not giving up on me in this fight. The only thing that keeps me calm is knowing that I can call on you to do the amazing work that you do. I just don’t want to cause you any grief or at least not any more than you are willing to put up with. You have truly been a gift from God for me. Also, you have my total permission to do anything for me that you feel will help my situation. I trust you completely and trust in your skills. Thank you for doing the aura cleaning. I’m sure it will help and I want to pay you for it. You are doing so much extra for me. I know you are trying to help me extra as you know my finances are somewhat limited but that’s my problem to deal with. I am working very hard-driving for Lyft 40 hours a week and doing some extra work on the side as well. Just so you know, in addition to that I have two elderly women I help on a regular basis for free. home projects trip to the doctors etc. I try to give back or pass it on whenever I can. Besides, I enjoy helping people and hate how all of this has limited me in doing just that. Like I said before, I appreciate all that you do for me and I don’t want you to ever think otherwise. You are the very best person. I think all of your clients are very, very lucky to have you on their side.
Calvin, I want to thank you for all the work you have done to help clear my world of demons and lost souls. When I came to you for help my world was indeed upside down. I had tried to work with so many other professionals but they could not significantly help me. It was you who finally brought peace to my person and to my home and in such a quick manner. It is clear that you are very good at what you do. I also have appreciated your phone calls and e-mails filled with kind words and supportive checks to see that I am ok. It shows how very different you are than others who do what you do. You have been nothing but kind and caring to me while also demonstrating your skills directly and instantly to solve my problem with demons. You are truly amazing and a genuine gift for me. I am very lucky to have you by my side in my fight for freedom. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. April 10th, 2019
Dear Rev. Kim, I want to thank you for your prompt assistance re John’s clearing, especially crossing him over to Heaven. I also want to thank you for the removal of my demonic attachments. You are the greatest! Love and blessings,
To be frank, I had some doubts about demon clearing. I believe that demons exist but being a religious person I didn’t think I would have such attachments on me. Also, seeing him using a pendulum and a simple paper board didn’t really convince me that anything was really going on. One of my close friends received the treatment from Calvin and I was very surprised to see her being completely cured from the digestive system problems that she had for about 30 years. My doubts melted away like snow in warm water! I too wanted to see Calvin for a session and when I did I was once again pleasantly surprised. He gave me a scan and told me that I had demon attachments. I requested the deepest clearing which involves clearing of all 10 bodies of a person. (He told me about the ten bodies which was a decent learning experience for me) It is all on his website as well for anyone to read and learn. He suddenly asked me if I had problems on my right foot and did a removal and also performed a White Light cleansing on that foot of “residual demonic energies” there maybe. I have had blood circulation issues and my right foot is discolored to a greenish/bluish shade due to bad circulation giving me aches and pains. I am a bit to the heavier side and I am on my feet all day as I am a manager in a busy deli store in NYC which made it only worse. Only after one session I am thrilled and happy and thankful for what he had done for me. Starting the very next day most of the pain is almost gone!!! I wish many others can also experience his blessed gifts. Thank you so, so much Calvin. Now I am a firm believer of your abilities.
Calvin is great!!! I am a 63 years old female suffering from unknown sickness for more than 4 years. My whole body aches very much and I cannot sleep throughout the night without moaning and crying often. All my joints hurt very badly. My doctor told me that there is no medicine for what I am going through and he suggested natural healing methods. I heard about Calvin and asked for his help. He does his Spiritual work remotely for people around the world but because I lived very close to him, he took time out to see me on November 10th, 2018. He scanned for attachments and cleared a lot of bad spirits from me and then he called forth all of my ancestors who weren’t able to cross over and help all of them to be cleansed with God’s light and passed them over to where they belong; to God’s love for me. Even after the session I have had much pain at night but for some reason, I wasn’t feeling bad mentally. 4 days have passed since the session and for the first time in almost 5 years, I can feel the pain being reduced. I don’t know much about his works but I am surely truly thankful for his talents and what he has done for me and is doing for me. My husband is so deeply moved and keeps asking Calvin what he likes as we want to show our appreciation with gifts but he keeps telling us it is ok. Calvin also found geopathic stress in our home and cleared that for us too. I am going to seek his help every week until I get comfortable. I sure am improving.
Hello to all! I am the Abbot (Head Monk) of the WoonMoon Temple and I would like to share my truly positive experience that I had with Calvin’s abilities. I have had heart problems(blood pressure) and serious digestive disorders for past 30 years taking medications every day and relying on soft food as I can’t digest most of the food well. Not being able to enjoy food takes away huge part of joy in life. I had to take liquid nutrients to support my health and little bit of food. One day Calvin suggested checking for demon attachments on me. I am an Abbot and have been living a spiritual life for decades with prayers, mantras, and meditations so I knew well about demons/negative entities but didn’t think I would have much on me. He sat me down and started the clearing process, he checked for much deeper levels for me because I was a spiritual person. To my surprise, Calvin found, captured, and completely banished a little more than 100 demons from my 10 bodies, heart, digestive system, and immune system. I felt lightness immediately and from that very day I was having such deep restful sleep ( I wasn’t sleeping very well either) and had much less pain and discomfort in my heart and stomach. A few days later I was having good cravings and I tried eating like normal people and I was in heaven! My stomach is working properly digesting food comfortably. In 20 years, I am enjoying food of all types. Calvin must be a friend sent to me by Buddha. I don’t know how to thank him enough. He also helps the temple with passing over Souls and cleared all geopathic stress that was present at the property. I sincerely wish many people out there to experience and benefit from Calvin’s divine act of Love. Namaste, Abbot. MuAh
I was sort of suspicious about this whole thing regarding negative entity / demon attachments and clearings before I met Calvin. I work as a beverage salesman and I am on my feet all day meeting store owners and managers taking orders. I am usually very tired and can’t sleep well either. I wake up 2 to 3 times every night. My sales and number of accounts were not growing to my expectations and I decided to give this clearing a try. I was very pleasantly surprised by the results of Calvin’s work. 1. I feel much better, lighter, and generally happier. 2. I sleep throughout the night like a baby and wake up with more energy than before. 3. This is my favorite part, my sales volume started to grow and the people who I meet treat me better with more respect and I am also opening new accounts. I will be using Calvin’s service more often and I have ordered Home Clearing too. Thank you Calvin for sharing your great talents. Keep up the good work!
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Hi Calvin, Thank you so much for your good work! I feel quite positive and light today. Thank you for your answer. I deeply regret that I have started interacting with an unseen force! Indeed this was a huge mistake. I feel very much misled by this force thinking I was interacting remotely with a human being. That was the only way I could explain what was happening. A magnetizer is a therapist who gives energy healing in someone's energy field remotely or in person. Thank you for your advice to not meditate. I will certainly take your advice to heart to persuade the invisible presence to leave in peace in God's love. I will revoke my permission which was based on deception. 'I am surrounded and protected by the love and grace of God'. I am grateful for all your time and work on my energy and finding that incubus! Last night was the first night since 1 September 2023 with presence BUT WITHOUT ACTIVITY. Thank you so much. I will not forget this.