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Invaluable Insights from My Spiritual Learnings

White Light

Above is a picture taken during a prayer while Divine White Light shining down upon me.

Navigate your spiritual path more effectively with Spiritual Consultation. I also share my insights on diverse personal spiritual learnings as additional resources for enlightenment.


You Are a Small Universe

Your body is a small universe itself! You are connected to the Source energy, the energy of Creation we call God. To give you just a couple of examples.

Your body has five organs and six parts, and this planet consists of five oceans and six continents. The rainbow has seven colors so as your 7 primary chakras inside of your body. The number of Stars in the Universe is the number of cells in your body. Isn’t it amazing? Can this be just a coincidence? 

We all carry Light within our body even though some may be hidden but it is there. It is our responsibility and choice to turn on the Light or live in the darkness and it is always easier to follow the negative side and require hard work to take the correct path. Which one would you choose?


How an Individual Is Born as a Human

There is a long line of Souls in the Spiritual realm waiting for its turn to reincarnate. While you are a Soul, you go through a in depth discussion with your Spirit Guide regarding the experiences you will need to complete on this plane then, you as a Soul also gets to pick and choose some of the experiences that you would like to have while living as a human wearing a physical body. All those experiences are deeply related to your Soul’s advancement and evolvement because that is the main reason why we come to this plane. You need a physical body on mother earth to be able to learn, experience, and evolve so the physical body is just a tool that is given to you in order to help you achieve your goals. After all the right choices are made then, the Spirit guide will find a perfect parent who can help you learn and experience all the choices you had made. 

The future parents of yours living on Earth makes love and gets pregnant. It takes about 3 months for you to develop into a human shape and this is when you as a Soul starts your journey through the Universe to become one with the child. It takes you about 7 months travelling through the Universe while stopping at various stations to collect all the experience packages that you have previously selected. Think of it as convenient stores and they carry packages of experiences such as, Rich, Poor, Orphan, Doctor, Businessman, Life of single, Pain, Travel, Health, etc. Of course, it is way more complicated and there are countless numbers of experiences to choose from but this way, it will make is somewhat easier for you to comprehend. You as an Energy/Soul is now ready as well as the child. When the mother gives birth to this child that is when  you enter into the child’s body through 6006 acupoints. This is when the baby suddenly cries out loud and that is the holy moment of a human creation/ birth. The baby cries because it hurts like having an electric shock when the Soul enters. The Soul then settles within the baby’s heart energy center and when it is settled properly the baby stops crying. Isn’t this magical? Do you see how important and precious you are as well as all other fellow humans? 


Wandering Ghosts, Spirits, and Souls 

These are human souls being called differently that can’t crossover. Why are there so many of them wandering within and around our world in the 3rd dimension? When a soul holds a grudge, has obsession, greed, hatred, etc, towards someone or something or even a situation of any sort, all of the above acts as heavy weights pressing down on them. Some are afraid and choose to stay here rather than crossing over to where they belong. These souls need our help as they don’t really know how to find the way to cross over properly. For a soul to naturally cross over, it takes between 120 to 150 years.


Do Wandering Souls Harm Humans?

No and Yes. Very few souls attack people and there are demonized souls as well. Most of them don’t but against their will, they cause harm to living humans when being around or attached to. Souls that did not cross over are low vibrational beings compared to living humans and they don’t have a temperature like us 97 to 98 degrees Fahrenheit.

Let’s just say a soul is attached to your shoulder, consider it like having placed a piece of ice on your shoulder. It may be ok for a while but as time goes on the coldness will cause numbness and pain and this will bring about other issues as well. Our body functions well when the temperature is 97 to 98 and the life force energy also called chi flows well too. The soul attachment will block and disturb the flow of your energy, and this can cause numerous health issues as well as bad luck and mishaps within your life. When souls are around you, positive energy cannot flow freely to you and this will cause failures, bad luck, and many types of negative influences.  


Why and when do soul attachments occur?

As we all know, “like attracts like” similar and familiar energy or vibrations resonate well. When your energy level is low, meaning you are vibrating at a lower frequency, unbeknownst to you, you are attracting similar energy to yourself. Wandering souls are low vibrational beings and when they detect someone vibrating at similar level they will approach and attach to that person. For example, let’s say some who lived a life without a mother passed away, this soul will have sadness and possibly a grudge for not being able to receive warm mother’s love throughout its life until it’s death. Not being able to crossover, wanders around and sees a person who is living a similar life. This soul is likely to attach to that person. This is why we all need to train hard to always stay at the highest level of vibration. This is easier said than done of course. Staying positive, thanking Universe for all that were given to us, filling our hearts with God’s love, etc. sound good but it is indeed a very difficult task especially in this fierce world that we live in. 

Often, an ancestor’s spirit attaches to its family member willing to offer help to difficult situations. This can bring about the opposite result to that person. Uncrossed over spirit could not assist a living human. There are many different levels in the Spiritual realm where the souls continue to learn and gain divers abilities. This is why older spirits have more power than younger ones. The important factor here is that the soul must cross over first. Souls go through many stages of being cleansed, learning, and getting ready to reincarnate in the Spiritual realm. A wandering ancestor’s spirit attachment will only bring negative influences on the person as it is just a low vibrational energy. 


Causes of soul attachments

If a soul who died from cancer attaches to a person, it is very likely for that person to develop cancer as well. The soul of a suicided person is likely to control the subject to also commit a suicide. A soul who died from a car accident may cause car accidents within the same area that the soul had experienced. The soul who died from depression will cause depression to the person whom it is attached to so on and so forth. These effects are very common but not acknowledged or known by most people and usually considered a happening of bad luck. 


Dark Forces

There are in fact a great number of dark forces trying to crush and sabotage humans. Well noted in the bible as we all know. Satan, demons, and many other types and forms of dark energies do exist and are affecting us even at this very moment. We just don’t and can’t notice that. From my experience, I have learned that whenever I scan a person suffering from a sickness, I found demon attachments working to worsen the problem and/or develop the sickness. Demons were here on earth way before us, and they are extremely smart and powerful. A demon knows you more than you know about yourself.

They can attach to our bodies, places, objects, thought forms, emotions, between a subject and an object, and too many to list. This makes it very difficult to find and destroy them. By the way, there are also demonized souls who work together to harm us. Don’t sell your soul to demons for riches and fame as you will regret it not too long after forever. 



What do dark forces do to humans

Just to list a few, cause fights, arguments among family members, friends, bring diseases, sicknesses, cause mishaps, bad luck, give sleepless nights, nightmares, fatigue, anger towards other and even God, depression, hopelessness, physical pain without apparent reasons, break business deals, break down cars, electronics, block your 3rd eye, and much, much more.


Some Interesting Stories from My Personal Experiences

There is a lady who is in the fashion industry residing in NJ married to a powerful attorney. She is a multi-millionaire as well as her husband. One day, I was informed that her husband had been hospitalized for quite some time and that doctors stopped treating him. He couldn’t walk and was barely able to move on his own. I scanned him and was startled somewhat scared to have found very many demon attachments. There were 666 attachments. Quickly got myself together and cleared those for him. I was told that he got better and was able to come home in 2 days after the clearing.

There was a 13-year-old girl in Korea who had to spend 6 months out of a year in a mental facility. Her grandmother lives in the US and approaches me for help. I was told that the kids parents had seen many other practitioners in Korea but none was able to help their daughter. I immediately sensed that it was the work of a demon. I told the grandmother that I would give it a try. That day I had experienced something scary that I would not forget for the rest of my life. I went into a room with the kid’s photo and there was a large rectangular wooden table. I placed the picture of her and started scanning and the whole table started to shake. This happened when I was only a couple of years into spiritual healing, and I got scared. My body was in pain, the table was shaking and heard very unpleasant noises in my ears. I just told myself to keep going and do not stop. After about an hour or so I was able to clear the kid completely. She now attends school normally and lives her life just like her friends. 

There are many stories, but I cannot put them all on my website. 


Why me?

This is the most frequently asked question by my clients, and I don’t have an answer to this question. Only demons would know but I don’t talk to them or try to communicate with them at all. No point of doing so as all that come out of their mouths are lies and bull shit. One thing I do know is that they do not like people who work with White Light and those who have the potential to become one and set them as targets to put a stop to their work. In my case, I get attacks every single day. Every time someone contacts me to help the attacks get even more severe. They know me very well and always put up a last fight trying to defeat me. This is a very unsafe and dangerous line of work.